Current Issue

Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 8/31/24

Year: 2024

The aim of the Journal of Education, Theory and Practical Research is to contribute to the field by publishing theories and applied academic studies of scientific value.

JETPR (EKUAD) is an international refereed online and printed publication tool that includes non-profit and academic studies, started to be published in 2015. JETPR (EKUAD) is published every four months, three times a year, simultaneously in Turkish and English.

JETPR (EKUAD) includes theory and applied academic studies in education.

JETPR (EKUAD) publishes high-quality quantitative, qualitative and mixed research articles that have a unique value in educational fields, as well as theoretical studies. Within the scope of JETPR (EKUAD), publications containing the following themes are made,

- Studies that determine the basic problems in all education levels and examine the applications,
- Studies that determine the competencies of education stakeholders and include improving education processes,
- Studies on innovative teacher education practices that increase teacher candidates' qualifications, examine and apply teacher education models,
- Meta-analysis, meta-synthesis studies for all educational fields,
- All studies that can affect the development of students who continue their education process,
- Interdisciplinary studies that develop a new model in the field of education,
- Studies in which measurement ensturments for education were developed and tested,
- Studies involving technology integration in educational practices in the field of education,
- Theoretical studies to be done in the field of education,
- Training studies in the fields of Vocational Education and Practice.

Studies in the field of basic science (eg Engineering, Chemistry) outside the field of education are excluded from the publication scope of JETPR (EKUAD).

Dear Authors,

In order to submit a study to the Journal of Education, Theory and Practical Research (JETPR / EKUAD), please carefully review the following spelling rules, prepare your full text on the article template and upload it to the system. In order for professional and standard process management to be carried out quickly, studies that are not prepared on the template and sent are not accepted into the publication process.

In our journal, studies are published simultaneously in Turkish and English.

Click for Turkish Article Template.

Click for the English Article Template.

Main titles searched in the text of the articles to be published in our journal;
-Discussion / Conclusion / Suggestions

Header-Footer Information and the fields on the Template that are highlighted in yellow will be updated by us at the typesetting stage after acceptance and should not be changed by the authors. The information of the author / authors in the study must be entered completely during the first upload of the study through the journal system.

Page layout
A4 Vertical

Margins (Normal) (2.5cm from 4 sides)

Font Family
Times New Roman

Article title
14 Point

Except for conjunctions, the initial letter of every word is written in capital.
Oral presentation, studies produced from the doctoral thesis or supported are given with a footnote in the form of * in the title. A space and footnote should be given after the title.

12 Point

Author's Name and Surname (Only initials are capital) Footnote is given as 1 - 2… as a space and a number.

All authors accepted to work must have an ORCID number.

Abstract Title

11 Font and Bold Type

Abstract Text

10 Points,

Leaning on both sides,

It should be written as a minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 250 words. If there is a paragraph, 6 nk space is given between the paragraphs.

Keywords Title

11 Point Dark


9 Points,

At most 5, at least 3 keywords should be written.

Information about the article

It is carried out by us after acceptance.

Main Topics

Introduction, Method, Discussion etc. basic topics

11 Points, Dark and Medium
6 pt space above and below


1.25 cm inside per paragraph

11 Points, Bold, Italic, Justified


Paragraph heads 1.25 cm inside
11 font size, written on both sides
6 nk spaces between paragraphs

Tables and Figures

Table and Figure title and text properties should be given by considering the structure in the examples in the template.

6 nk spaces are given before and after Tables and Figures.

Table titles and text 10 points
Table and number bold

If the figure is in a graphic and editable format, the title and inserts are 10 points
Shape and number are bold
If the figures contain an image or an image that cannot be edited, they must be transferred in Word at 300 DPI resolution.


The bibliography should be prepared in accordance with the principles of citation in the American Psychological Association Publication Manual (6th ed.). Font Verdana and line spacing should be 3 pt. Indentation should be given under the 4th letter.

Publication Ethics

A number of ethical policies have been developed by the Editorial Board in order to ensure that the studies published in the Journal of Education, Theory and Practical Research (JETPR / EKUAD) are impartial and ethical. These policies cover the processes related to the authors, referees, editors and work. Ethical duties and responsibilities in JETPR /EKUAD have been prepared by taking into consideration the publication policies of journals scanned in national and international fields and the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as open access.

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors

Author (s) who submit work to JETPR / EKUAD are expected to comply with the following ethical responsibilities:
Authors are required to submit an "Ethical Statement" regarding their work.
It is expected that the studies submitted by the author (s) will be original and up-to-date. Author (s) are required to cite and / or cite all the studies they use completely and accurately.
Those who do not contribute to the content of the study should not be stated as authors. Situations and relationships that might constitute a conflict of interest (if any) should be disclosed.
Raw data related to their articles can be requested from the author (s) within the framework of evaluation processes. Author (s) must submit the requested data and information to the publication and / or scientific board.
The author (s) have an obligation to inform the editor of the journal or publisher, to cooperate with the editor in the process of correcting or withdrawing the work in the event that the author (s) notice a mistake or mistake about the published work at the stage of evaluation.
Authors cannot have their work in the application process of more than one journal at the same time. In case of detection, none of the studies coming from the author and the author's institution will not be accepted into the processes of our journal.
A study published in another journal cannot be sent to JETPR / EKUAD.
A study sent to another journal that has not yet been evaluated cannot be sent to JETPR / EKUAD.
A process such as adding and removing authors, changing the order of authors cannot be requested for a study whose evaluation process has started.

Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Editors

General duties and responsibilities

To ensure the development of the journal in national and international arena,
Managing the processes to increase the quality of published works,
Carrying out the processes of implementation of ethical rules for all stakeholders of the journal,
To update the publishing and ethical policies in order to contribute to the development of the journal,
They are responsible for organizing and keeping the journal's web page updated.

Relations with the reader

Considering the reader's feedback on journal publishing, scope and ethics,
To develop the studies published in JETPR / EKUAD by taking into account the interests and needs of the reader,
He is obliged to answer the questions from the reader on the condition that they remain within the framework of ethical rules.

Relations with authors
Editors against authors;

Submitting the manuscripts submitted to the journal to the editorial board that decides whether to send to the referees or not,
To inform authors about publication and ethical policies,
To prevent possible conflicts of authors with referees,
Ensuring an unbiased assessment by executing the concept of "Blind Refereeing" in a healthy way,
To evaluate with appropriate justifications the requests of the authors to indicate that there is a conflict of interest between them and not to send their works to these referees,
Welcoming the authors' requests to withdraw their work that are still in the process of evaluation
It is responsible for evaluating the objections of the authors to referee and editor decisions / reports and, if deemed appropriate, to initiate a new evaluation process.

Relations with referees
Editors against referees;

Determining a referee suitable for the subject of the candidate study,
To provide the information and guidance that referees will need during the evaluation phase,
Observing whether there is a conflict of interest between authors and referees,
Keeping the information about the referee making the evaluation confidential,
Encouraging referees to be impartial,
To answer referees' questions about publication and ethical policies,
Making updates to improve the referee pool,
Reminding the referees about the evaluation period,
They are responsible for encouraging referees to make a constructive, courteous and appropriate assessment.

Relations with the Editorial Board

Meeting with the Editorial Board at regular intervals,
Providing the information and guidance that the Board may need regarding the publication and ethical policies of JETPR / EKUAD,
Providing training to the board regarding the publication and ethical policies of JETPR / EKUAD when needed,
Developing the journal by taking into account the feedback from the board,
To ensure that the board members are impartial,
To encourage the Board to evaluate the studies within the framework of scientific criteria,
The candidate is responsible for communicating with the relevant board member regarding the evaluation, depending on the subject of the study.

Author Rights:

They can withdraw their work that has not yet been published while in the evaluation process.
They have the right to object to referee reports and editorial decisions.
Due to material errors arising during the printing process, they may request corrections for problematic places in their first published issue or for information errors caused by them.

Ethical Responsibilities of Referees
Studies sent to JETPR / EKUAD are sent anonymously to at least two referees in the relevant field for evaluation. In the referee evaluations, in case of equality of positive and negative opinions about the article, the opinion of the editor or a third referee is taken.
In JETPR / EKUAD, double-blind peer review process has been adopted, the author and the referee are unaware of each other's identity. In this context, it is expected that the referees who evaluate the work at JETPR / EKUAD have the following ethical responsibilities:
To read the publication principles of JETPR / EKUAD,
Accepting to evaluate only studies related to the field of expertise. Not accepting the evaluation in order to have an idea about the subject of the article, although it is not a field of expertise,
Refusing to make an evaluation when they realize that they cannot be impartial while performing the evaluation,
Completing the evaluation process within a certain time frame,
Evaluating within the framework of impartiality and confidentiality,
When faced with a situation such as conflict of interest, refusing to make an assessment and reporting this situation to the editor,
To inform the editor when they detect that the article they have evaluated is sent to another journal at the same time,
To make the assessment in a constructive and polite language. Not making personal comments such as hostility, insults and slander,
Making sure that the reviews are related to the content of the article. To be sensitive to the fact that factors such as belief, sect, race, gender, and political opinion do not affect the evaluation process.

Journal Policy
Refereeing and Publishing Processes
1. Articles sent to be published in JETPR / EKUAD should not have been published in another journal or sent for publication. Papers previously presented in a congress - on the condition that the entire work has not been published in the congress book - and articles compiled from the postgraduate thesis should be indicated at the end of the page with a footnote containing the necessary information. All responsibilities of the published articles belong to the author (s).

2. The studies that reach the journal are pre-examined by the Editorial Board in terms of the scope of the journal and compliance with the writing rules. Studies deemed appropriate as a result of this review are submitted to the evaluation of at least two referees by blind review method. After the invitation letter has been sent to the referee, the referee has 10 days to agree to evaluate the work. After the referee accepts the evaluation, 30 days are given to evaluate the work. Instead of the referees who do not complete the evaluation within this period, an invitation is sent to a new referee to evaluate the study. In order for the candidate study to be published in the journal, a positive opinion of at least two referees is required. If one of the referees gives a positive opinion and the other a negative opinion, the study is submitted for the opinion of a third referee. The author (s) are obliged to make the corrections suggested by the referee (s) (if any) within 20 days. Articles that receive a publishable report from the referee (s) and have been controlled by the journal editor enter the publication process. Articles are given in the final form by the author (s). Articles accepted for publication are typed to give a DOI number. They are then published in an appropriate issue upon the decision of the Editorial Board. No changes can be made on the articles that have been finalized and taken into the publication process. Authors can retract their work while they are in the pre-check phase. It is not possible to withdraw studies that are under referee evaluation.

3. The referee (s) are not informed about the identity information of the author (s) and the author (s) of the referee (s). The responsibility of ensuring confidentiality in this matter belongs to the editor of the journal.

Plagiarism Scan
All articles submitted to the Journal of Education, Theory and Practical Research (JETPR / EKUAD) should be scanned in plagiarism programs such as iThenticate, Turnitin, Plagiarism and uploaded with an article file. In all candidate articles, the similarity rate should be at most 20% and within a reference should be at most 3%. JETPR / EKUAD reserves the right to reject candidate articles that include academic plagiarism and exceed the specified rates at the editorial stage.

Open Access Policy
JETPR / EKUAD is an open access journal and offers its published content directly to open access. The journal aims to contribute to the support and development of science with an open access policy with the content it publishes. Creative Commons Citation 4.0 International License makes available through. Written permission from the publisher is required for commercial use of the content.

Publishing Fee
JETPR / EKUAD does not charge any fee from the authors for any reason during the submission of the candidate article, during the evaluation and during the publication phase.

Preservation and Archiving of Journal Articles

The archive of the journal is protected by the Republic of Turkey DergiPark Akademik ( in case of any cyber-attack or technical problems. The archive of the journal is backed up by both DergiPark Akademik and journal publishers.
